7 Sales Meeting Preparation Tips That Will Help You Close Deals

Philippe Pavillet

Apr 20, 2023

A B2B sales meeting is a pivotal moment in the sales process, where salespeople have the opportunity to make a strong impression on the client and move closer to closing a deal. That is why it can be both exciting and nerve-wracking! On the one hand, it's a chance to close a deal and boost your sales numbers. On the other hand, it's an opportunity to build a long-term relationship with a potential client, and that can be a daunting prospect. 

The key to success in these meetings is preparation. The better prepared you are, the more confident you'll be, and the more likely you'll close the deal and build that relationship. According to a study conducted by Gong.io, a conversation analytics platform for sales teams, salespeople who spent more time preparing for their calls had a higher success rate. The study found that reps who had a dedicated pre-call planning session closed deals at a rate of 30%, compared to 16% for those who did not. In this article, we’ll give you hints to help you prepare for a successful meeting with a client and increase sales!

So let's dive right in - here are 7 tips to be efficient at your meeting


Before you meet with a client, take the time to research them thoroughly. Look for information on their business, their industry, and their competition. The more you know about them, the better you'll be able to tailor your pitch to their needs. 

To deepen your understanding of them, look at their current KPIs with your company: what are their last order date and amount? How many orders have they made? What products have they ordered so far? Which acquisition channel do they come from? This data is easily accessible with tools like Fructifi, which uses AI and predictive analysis to offer data about customer ordering behavior, habits, and trends (get a personalized demo here!) 


Know what you want to achieve in the meeting and set clear objectives. Whether it's to show new products, close a deal, build a relationship, or gather more information, having a clear goal in mind will help you stay focused and on track.


When is the client’s estimated next order date? When do you expect them to re-stock each specific product? By knowing this, you will be able to set the meeting just before they place an order, when they need you the most and you can help them the most. (Read this article to know more). 


Your pitch should be tailored to the client's needs and objectives. For that, it is important to understand their preferences and know what to sell, upsell or cross-sell. If you have a lot of customers, the good news is that predictive data and product recommendation engines can save you a lot of time in pre-meeting analysis! Fructifi can help you pitch the products most likely to interest them, based on what they have bought. 


Think about any objections the client may raise and prepare responses in advance. This will help you address their concerns quickly and confidently.


Nothing is worse than an appointment cancelled at the last minute, because the customer forgot to write it down or is no longer available at the chosen time. Our advice: set up an automatic reminder, sent 24 hours before the meeting.


Being late to a sales meeting can leave a negative impression on the client, which makes it harder to establish a positive relationship with them. This can make it more difficult to close the deal and can even lead to lost business in the future. Our advice: plan ahead and always give yourself at least 15 minutes of leeway before the meeting starting point!

By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared for your next meeting with a client, and well on your way to building a successful relationship or closing a deal. Remember, preparation is key, so take the time to research, set clear objectives, and practice your pitch. Good luck!

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